I’ve been obsessed with books since I can remember. My bookshelves are bursting with wisdom, heartbreak and inspiration. I’d like to share with you some of the books that made a profound impact of my life and offered me guidance, support and comfort. I don’t believe that books just come into your life by “coincidence”; I believe they arrive just at the right moment, with just the right message. All of these books are written by remarkable women from a variety of different backgrounds, each harnessing a wealth of knowledge and understanding that speaks to the soul. Each book also creates a wonderful sense of community and unity which can be so healing when you’re feeling a little lost.
Women who run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola-Estes
This is book deserves your undivided attention. Clarissa uses archetypes from the fascinating world of folklore, to represent the instinctual nature of the wild woman. Wild woman deeply exists within all who identify as female and this book helps reconnect to that fierce, creative, passionate nature that lies within. To say this book is important is an understatement, its goes beyond self-development and becomes about healing. Healing emotional wounds, issues around self-worth and self-identity. The pages are bursting with empowering reminders, that make this book more of a mentor, a guide, a map to finding your true-self.
“To be ourselves causes us to be exiled by many others and yet to comply with what others want causes us to be exiled from ourselves”.
Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Christiane Northrup
If you have never heard of Dr Christiane Northrup, a holistic physician trained in obstetrics and gynaecology, I highly encourage you to look her up and read more about her work. She is a women’s health expert that looks at the female body, mind and spirit as one. This book is the ultimate women’s health guide, inviting you to look at your body in such a different, beautiful way. Dr Christiane compassionately explains the inner workings of the female body in a very comprehensive and accessible way.
She says “ The patriarchal society and programming that I describe in Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom has a lot to do with how you think about your body and care for yourself… After 5,000 years of patriarchal programming, it’s no surprise that women get sick in the uniquely female areas of their bodies… This kind of programming teaches women—at the deepest, deepest level—that the processes of her female body, including the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, labor, and menopause, are burdens to be endured… The key is in knowing that our bodies never lie. They are always pointing us in the direction of the truth—and health.”
Milk and Honey/ The Sun and her flowers by Rupi Kaur
Rupi Kaur is an Indian-born Canadian poet, writer and illustrator. Her gorgeous raw poems speak from the heart to the soul in an elegant and honest way. The 25 year old poet; who has just finished her sell-out world tour, bares herself for all to connect to. Her vulnerable verses are steeped in race, love, loss, beauty and sex. She has managed to win the hearts of millions of readers, because her profound words are universally felt emotions.
Invincible Living by Guru Jagat
Guru Jagat is a powerhouse of a woman and the youngest senior Kundalini Yoga teacher in the world. She has written a beautiful book, sharing practical everyday Kundalini practices. Packed with beautiful illustrations, she shares inspiring teachings from the Kundalini lineage, offering simple effective meditations, mantras and sequences. The book also covers yogic beauty secrets, practical ways to boost mood, elevate energy and increase creativity.
“ Sacredness is in the every moment. And every moment isn’t pretty. Sometimes, even with the most precise intuition, you don’t know what life is going to throw at you..But with a sacred outlook, you are training yourself to be a true practitioner of human wisdom and dignity in every moment of your life.”
The Awakened Woman by Tererai Trent
Born into a poor family in Zimbabwe, Tererai endures an incredible journey of courage and determination to make her dreams come true. Heralded as Oprah Winfry’s ‘all time favourite guest’ on her show, she has become a true inspiration for so many. This book can ‘‘help any woman achieve her full potential’’ (Kirkus reviews)
“My sisters, we women are a massive, untapped, global resource for healing the world, and we are now rising up all over the world—in the streets, in the home, in the political arenas formerly run solely by men, in academia, in corporations, in the media, and in service to the world. And yet so many of us have, for one reason or another, set aside our deepest wisdoms, our most precious skills, and our most sacred dreams. The events of my early life silenced me, and I know many of you have suffered silences, too. I also know, like me, you can and will awaken and live your sacred dreams—a cosmic purpose lying dormant within that waits for you to arise and speak its name. This book is your guide to do this, to uncover and reignite that which is most sacred to you—the dream in your heart and the connection to your global sisters.”
If you would like to listen to Tererai, this podcast with Marie Forleo is equally as inspiring and motivating as her book.
Hi, I'm Heather a yoga teacher of four years and a practitioner for nearly 10. I began yoga to build strength and flexibility for surfing and snowboarding. However, as time passed my original intentions began to shift. I no longer was returning over and over again for the physical aspects, I was returning because the yogic teachings began to have a profound impact on my life. I yearned for more and delved deep into the intricate studies of yoga. Teaching and sharing yoga is one of the most natural things for me, it lights me up and fills me with joy. But it's not all that I do and love. I live on the East coast of Nova Scotia, Canada and surf as much as I can. I use to live in the mountains of British Columbia and snowboarded as much I could. Things that mean everything to me include: sitting in circles with women of all ages and backgrounds, spending time in nature, continuing to read and learn from people wiser than myself and always having a good supply and variety of tea.